The modfinity network
Modfinity is a specialized wired network. Its purpose is to connect many devices that are distributed in two or three dimensional space. Focus is on relatively low-cost consumer devices with small size and low number of connecting poles.
Main Features:
- Unlimited number and depth of network nodes
- Unlimited number of hubs
- Unlimited number of branches at each hub
- Hot-plugging of new network participants and entire pre-connected sections
- Small footprint, low implementation cost for both network transceivers and hubs
- Implements data link and above layers in OSI network model
- Works with any physical layer, including one-wire
- Implementation using FPGA, CPLD or microcontroller

Advanced (optional) Features:
- Simplified versions
- hubs without any electronic components
- implementation using few standard, non-programmable digital components and a microcontroller
- Fault tolerant routing algorithms, shortest path routing
- Combination with standard bus protocols such as I²C or SPI within certain limitations
- Latency / timing control for simultaneous input and output, for instance in audio applications
Possible Applications:
Highly modular devices such as
- modular consumer goods
- 2D or 3D sensor / actor networks
- modular human computer interaction devices
- modular audio recording and playback devices or
- modular lighting devices or displays

Our services:
- Integration of modfinity into your product
- Firmware libraries for microprocessors
- FPGA IP (Verilog or VHDL)
- Assembled and programmed Transceiver modules
- Circuit templates or integration into product schematics & PCB layout
- Modular application development
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